Fortiad is not a typical consultancy firm.
We are a network.

True experts are not easy to find. We are selective in the jobs we take on, because accepting a task stands for 100 % commitment and results.

We do not just send anyone. We ensure in advance a never-off-the-shelf approach. What we deliver is simultaneously innovative and ready for immediate use.
Big words that simply mean: no mediocre paperwork for the sake of ticking a box.
We do what we believe in and enjoy doing: beyond state-of-the-art, solid, smart and practical.
We are fast and we deliver.

Fortiad can work either directly with a company or government agency on a project or assignment for a specific expert, or alternatively work with a consultancy firm that looks for expertise and experience to carry out a contract.
The references and résumé(s) you will get are of expert(s) we propose: you will know who will personally carry out the work, no surprises.

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